Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Springtime: Reading

Photo by Ylanite Koppens from Pexels

Happy Spring!  Our thoughts here in Massachusetts have turned to planting, pruning, and freshening up!  (Also leaving the house and going out for a good meal, not gonna lie!)  My writing is a bit stalled, but I've been making time to read which tends to spark my writing, so there's that.

I'm at various stages of reading four books.  I'm very close to the end of one, at which point I'll be starting a new one. Three of the books are for a book club.  The one I'm about to finish was our first selection.  I'm about halfway through the current selection.  It's a weighty book.  Like college textbook weighty.  As soon as I finish the first book, I'll be starting on our next selection.  The other two I have going are my writing book, What If, and a Grimm's Fairy Tales anthology.  The book club selections are all non-fiction (spirituality.)  To be honest, I'm dying to just read a regular old fiction selection (for me, that means either literary fiction, horror, or sci fi.)  Once I'm done with the Grimm's, I'm going to do that.

"Why Grimm's," you may ask.  I've always been deeply interested in fairy tales, folklore, and myth.  They inform my art.  There are also a few of the fairy tales that I would like to modernize.  I usually enjoy it when other people do it, and the genre adapts really well to horror, which is where my fiction aspirations lie, should I ever go there.  These stories carry very strong and timeles themes.

The only thing I have written lately is a comedy set, which I performed about two weeks ago.  Though I have not performed on a physical stage in a pretty long time, I have been taking advantage of online opportunities to do so. I also have rejoined my comedy writers' group back in DC, who have been meeting online every Monday night during the lockdown. I'll continue to do that until they go back to meeting in person. (Bad connections be damned!)

I'll get back to my other writing eventually.  For now, I have farm work, house work, and other desk work to tackle first. I know this may make it seem like I'm not prioritizing my writing, but I do spend some time working on it, in some respect.

I hope everyone stays safe and healthy and has a wonderful Spring!

I'm Still Here!

A farm near our home. The above photo was taken last Friday, when my fiance and I went to do some volunteering. The site is beau...