Monday, March 2, 2020

Checking In

Just checking in, as its been a while.  The truth is, my writing has been on hold, as we work on our new home and as I struggle with a chronic illness.

I'm still a member of the writers' group I joined when I first moved here, but unfortunately, we haven't been able to go in a while, mostly due to my illness.  We take it one week at a time.  I hope to return soon, especially since the weather is improving!

I was thinking about my memoir this morning, which is not the same as writing. What this means, though, is that I will soon sit down and work on my notes.  If I'm lucky, I might even get an outline started!  This would be new for me, as I hate making outlines!

As of this afternoon, I'm going to work on one of my other blogs while I'm  here in town where there is Wifi.  I did watch a book talk by Stephen King (my Forever Inspiration) earlier today as I worked on stuff around the house.

My writing projects are never far from my thoughts.  It's sitting down and writing that is a challenge for me!


I'm Still Here!

A farm near our home. The above photo was taken last Friday, when my fiance and I went to do some volunteering. The site is beau...