A farm near our home.
The above photo was taken last Friday, when my fiance and I went to do some volunteering. The site is beautiful, and my main function that day was as photographer.
It has been over a year since I've updated this blog. I have not gotten back to my writing, but I will soon. I will. The writer's muse can be a fickle one, though.
I am a member of a local writers' group, but I have not been attending, due to my health. I would like to change that, so I am going to make the effort. The truth is that there are a lot of things that I want to write!
So what I am saying is please hang in there with me. I will get back to it soon, and I will happily share excerpts of my work! You can also find me on Medium, though I have not uploaded there in quite a while, either.
More soon!